National Marine Impacts


Love Project: Providing School Shoes for Children in Need

The Love Project is dedicated to meeting the essential need for school shoes among the children at Emmanuel Children's Home Foundation. This initiative was born out of the realization that the children required new shoes for their education, and through the grace of God, we were able to step in and provide brand new school shoes for those in need.

The joy and happiness on the faces of the children were immeasurable. It felt like divine timing as God brought this group of children to us precisely when they needed it the most. The blessing of being able to contribute to their well-being is as much for us as it is for them.

Thank You, Jesus, for Perfect Timing!

Shoes are a perpetual need for the 41 children at the center and the 7 children of the directors. Additionally, we extend our support to another group of 12 girls living with their families, making shoes an ongoing project for us.

How You Can Contribute: Donations are always welcome to ensure we can continue providing shoes for these children. Your generosity can make a significant difference in their lives.

Prayers are Appreciated: In addition to material support, we also welcome your prayers. Your positive thoughts and intentions contribute to the well-being of these children.

Thank You in Advance: We express our gratitude in advance to everyone who has been a part of the Love Project. Your support makes a lasting impact on the lives of these children, ensuring they have the essentials for a bright and hopeful future. Together, let's continue making a difference, one pair of shoes at a time.

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